NASA's New Horizon Probe Reached Pluto (at last)


Few Hours Ago History has been Created as NASA Space Craft reached Pluto. Its the First time for a Probe to reach there and yes! Its NASA....

A Glimpse of Pluto taken from Probe

At 12:49pm BST NASA's Probe shot past the Pluto Surface from a Distance of 7,770 miles with a speed more than 45,000 kmph.

That Moment was the Most Cheerful Moment for The NASA Scientists as their Hard Work have given them a sweet reward which they will never Forget.

With This US is now the Only Nation which have visited Every Planet of the Solar System.
Since its discovery in 1930s, it was the First Time for us to Examine this dwarf Planet From this close distance. Obviously it is moment of Joy for New Horizon Science Team Members.

Reaction of  Members of New Horizon Science Team after viewing
The Sharpest and closest image of Pluto. Photograph : Bill Ingalls

"It feels Good," said Alan Stern (Lead Scientist on this Mission)."So Many People Put So much Work in this Mission. We have completed the initial reconnaissance of the Solar System, an endeavor  which was started under President Kennedy."

New Horizon Science Team: Examining the Pics of Pluto
from Probe. Photographer : Bill Ingalls
     After watching the pics of Pluto, John Grunsfeld (Head of NASA's Science Directorate) stated pluto as "Extraordinary, interesting and complex World." "Its Just Amazing and its for sure is Hallmark in human history." "Its been an incredible Voyage."

As per NASA's stats :
                                   Distance traveled by Probe is 3 Billion Miles
                                   Speed of the Probe is 34,000 mph
                                  And this amazing journey took a time span of 9 years.

Jan 2006 : Probe was Launched.

Feb 2007 : 9000 mph speed added to the Probe by the Slingshot effect of Jupiter.

June 2008 : Crosses Orbit of Saturn.

March 2011 : Crosses Orbit of Uranus

August 2014 : Crosses Orbit of Neptune

14th of July 2015 ( 12:49pm BST) : Closest Approach to Pluto { 7800 miles}

Stephen Hawking ( The Cambridge Cosmologist ) Joined The Celebration with this message,

"Billions of miles from Earth this little robotic spacecraft will show us that first glimpse of 

mysterious Pluto, a distant icy world on the edge of our solar system. The revelations of New 

Horizons may help us to understand better how our solar system was formed. We explore because we  
are human and we long to know,"he said.

"So where is new horizons spacecraft now?

Even with this great Success, the Journey of the Probe isn't stopped. It is supposed to examine Kuiper belt until its Plutonium charged Generator deads, which is expected to be in 2030s."

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tags (ignore): new horizons, new horizons pluto flyby, new horizons pluto, new horizons spacecraft, new horizons pluto images, new horizons pluto images, new horizons mission, pluto flyby, pluto express new horizons, 2006 pluto mission, pluto space probe, where is new horizons spacecraft now, new horizons 2015, pluto probe 2006

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