Advantages and disadvantages of Rooting / JailBreaking | TechWeeby


What is Rooting?? Should I root my SmartPhone?? Lets Find Out !!

Funny Jail Break

First of all, Welcome to TechWeeby. Probably if
you had landed in this page then you must have
an android phoneand are thinking :
"Should I Root my phone"
I know its a difficult question to answer but here I am as your Consultant.

So, all of us know that smartphone market is increasing day-by-day and with this Manufacturers are trying to invent better and more better SmartPhones with awesome features. Today we can do almost anything with our SmartPhones but do you know? Their's a lot of things that are hidden in these God Created Smartphones from Normal User.

Do You Know? You can install a Custom Rom (link to or edit system files for experiments. You can do lots of things just with if..... wait !! Do You Know its meaning? I mean the meaning of Rooting or Jailbreaking.

If No, then here you go...
                                   As per WikiPedia
Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphonestablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as root access) over various Android's subsystems. As Android uses the Linux kernel, rooting an Android device gives similar access to administrative permissions as on Linux or any other Unix-like operating system such as FreeBSD or OS X.

I know its Complicated , so let me Clear it for you. With  Root Access (thats what you gets after rooting) you can do things which can be illegal or legal as well. It gives you full authority of your Device and allows you to modify system files.
Have you noticed I said "Legal and Illegal"
Legal includes :
  • Using the access for Development Purposes.
  • Some apps requires root access (legally) eg. Clean Master Pro
  • Install Some Extra Cool Themes in your SmartPhone.                         
Illegal includes :
  • Removing system apps without proper permissions.
  • Using it for hacking purposes.
  • Using it for Harmful apps such as wifikill, donkey guard etc.
  • Using it to create any Hardware and Software issues and misuse of it to destroy someone's Personal Property.
Notice : TechWeeby is not promoting any of the apps listed above or in this post or in this Blog. It is for Information Purposes only.
Do you know? You can use your external memory card  (some partition of it, though!) as Ram as well which will increase your SmartPhone Speed and will help you playing HD Games. (Best for Game Lovers)

 Their Must a Question, till now : If Rooting is everything then what is Jail Breaking. Right?

Actually, We use term "Rooting"  when we are talking about Android exploit. But when we talks about iOS (iDevice's OS) we prefer to use the term "JailBreaking".

Its not Rocket Science, so you dont to worry about it. We here at TechWeeby will try our best to keep it as simple as possible and teach you the simplest and best ways to Root any SmartPhone.

Let's Get to the Topic now which was Advantages and Disadvantages of Rooting.

Obviously Rooting/JailBreaking have several Advantages, some of them are lsited below :-

  1. You can install custom Roms for your devices which are available in vast amount.
  2. You can Edit / Modify System Apps (Development Purpose only).
  3. You can increase Phone processing speed.
  4. You can have the best of your phone.
And with every Bright Side , their is Darkness. Yea! you guessed it right. It have Disadvantages also:-

  1. You looses your Warranty, which means No Manufacture Support.
  2. You can lose all of your Data,i.e, Contacts, files etc. { Very Rare Case}
  3. It can cause Some Serious Damage to Someone's Personal Property { Against The Law}
  4. You can Brick your Device.
Yep! Rooting can make your SmartPhone Experience Really Good but if it is used in a bad way, can cause trouble as well and if misused by you, can Brick your Device as well.

"Brick ?? What's that?

When your device gets really messed up that it can't even start then it is said to be bricked. Your Device can get Bricked during Rooting Process or after that when you were sneaking into system files and messed them all up!      
This is how a  brick phone looks like
Totally Blank!!

With this, I on behalf of TechWeeby would like to thank you for Reading this Blog and if you got any tips / suggestions or if you wanna ask any thing or wanna request for the Rooting Procedure of any SmartPhone, feel free to type. Comment box is all yours!

If you like the post please share and follow us and subscribe us too. 

tags (ignore): android , android rooting, android rooting apps, android rooting tools, android rooting apk, android rooting software, android rooting guide, android rooting risks, android rooting tutorial.

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